To make it a Mandatory Death Penalty for the Sodomized Rape of one Male by another Male.
Very few men are willing to come forward to admit this. Which means they are traumatized for the rest of their lives by it. It has indeed happened in the military. When sodomized rape of a male happens in a prison setting it is indeed cruel and unusual punishment; our Constitution with is defensible with deadly force say's it is not allowed. The male who had it happen to him likely has to think about that every time he uses the bathroom; that is lifelong traumatization!
Some of the worst empires in the world had one form of it pederasty as their basis. We don't need to become like that as the leader of the free world. We need the death penalty legislated as mandatory punishment for any male that Sodomize Rapes another Male.
Background to take action; a case of this was reported in the news in the United States Military recently, that's enough of that! Put a stop to it today! T
Thomas Paul Murphy