The high demand for luxury wool is prompting poachers to slaughter vicunas. according to a report in the LA Times.
Police last month found 150 carcasses of skinned vicunas near the Peruvian village of Espite.
The killing of the animals was a significant blow to the 70 indigenous families in Espite who derive their livelihoods from sustainable management of the creatures by shearing their wool.
However, with the black market price of vicuna wool approaching $1,000 per kilo, gangs based in Bolivia are roaming the lightly policed mountainous areas of Peru and Chile to poach the animals.
Vicunas deserve to be protected from greedy poachers and the villagers deserve to have their sustainable livelihoods preserved.
Will you join me in urging the governments of Chile and Peru to increase patrols to stop the killing of vicunas?
Please sign and share the petition.