Expose Petco & Shoreline Animal Hospital For Complicity In Gross Indifference For Mauled Greyhound

To make sure that in the future this type of gross neglect and indifference in making it possible to provide monetary means for the care of a severely mauled animal that is their duty to do under these isolated circumstances of a horrific event. (see below:)

Petco And Shoreline Veterinary Hospital Showed True Colors By Denying Greyhound A Chance to Survive Pit Bull Attack.


by Oliver West
March 7, 2016


March 6, 2016, 9:58 a.m., a brisk morning in front of the multi-national corporation known for A-Z pet products, grooming, nail care and vaccine and heartworm testing clinics provided by their subsidiary company named Vetco. Several pet owners and their pets waited for the doors to open for the Sunday clinic but instead were witness to an vicious attack by a pitbull mix who targeted a greyhound named 'Tommy' and began ravaging the gentle dog as pet owners feverishly kicked the pit bull in attempts to get it to release it's powerful jaws from the now weak and bleeding greyhound who sustained multiple injuries in the matter of seconds.


The greyhound's owner, Ronni Mandell of West Haven, Ct., a long time customer (since 2000) of Petco and it's clinic that provided more affordable vaccines and heartworm testing than most veternarians but now she is re-thinking about ever using them again. She has a female greyhound at home, who needs the 6-1, which Tommy was to receive had the incident never occurred.


After the attack, Milford Police were summoned to the scene and the officer interviewed pet owners/witnesses, the couple about their pitbull who allegedly slipped out of it's leash, collar and also got out of the car before proceeding to attack the greyhound, then concluded talking to Mrs. Mandell, who was visibly upset and heartbroken over the incident and pleaded with Petco for their support in the matter but to no avail as Petco Store managers and associates didn't even assist nor were they concerned over the attack.


Mrs. Mandell and Tommy were driven to Shelton, Connecticut to the Shoreline Animal Hospital by a Vetco employee where Tommy was immediately cared for and it was determined that the wounds were much more serious than expected. His face was savagely chewed and mangled with a tooth hanging, his leg showed bite marks but most distressing were bites and deep gashes in his chest area where it was discovered one lung collapsed and the other lung filled with air due to many deep puncture wounds and tears from the power jaws from hell. Mrs. Mandell was then told that he would need a lot of care and a hospital stay amounting to several thousands of dollars with NO GUARANTEES due to the seriousness of the wounds but at least attempts could be made to give him the best fighting chance but without a caring corporation to come to his aid, the owner was left with no other alternative but to give the order to put 'Tommy' down. Shoreline Animal Hospital was somewhat courteous but they wouldn't continue working on Tommy without money and after given the permission to put Tommy down, which Mrs. Mandell didn't want to do, they said they would need the $300.00 for cremation procedure before it could be done. In other words, they would hold the body ransom without payment.


Mrs. Ronni Mandell is somewhat thankful for the few good people of Vetco, the many concerned customers and the Milford Police Department for their concern and caring assistance but as far as the big players that really counted, she condemns all of them for leaving her and Tommy out in the cold and who have left an indelible horror in Mrs. Mandell's memory of this event where compassion by corporate charlatans who profit as caring pet suppliers and medical professionals was non-existent.


The owners of the pitbull, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Krugel of Shelton, Ct. say they will pay the medical expenses, but given the facts of no leash, no collar and loose in the parking lot doesn't add up and it adds further darkness into the mix. An investigation of the owners and testing of the dog must be done and the fact that this dog has tasted blood from it's prey and now may be a full-fledged predator or has been one in the past who could bring harm to other animals and children.


A loss of a beautiful and loving pet is hard to recover from when illness strikes but this leaves lasting, horrible images of a pet being mangled right in front of you is going to be truly difficult for Mrs. Mandell to get over.

The ironic thing about this entire story is that Petco often sponsors Greyhound Adoptions with Penny Zwart of 'Pups Without Partners' and ReGap of Bethany to place retired racers in good homes. Tommy came from ReGap but Penny also knew him well and everytime he saw Penny he went crazy with excitement because they also had a togetherness bond-she nursed him back to health in the past before his adoption by Mrs. Mandell. Yes, Petco excels with putting on the bottom line corporate front by giving very little and increasing the bottom line a lot. Both Penny of Pups and Eileen of ReGap should be commended for constant dedication in what they do.


Be careful and be wary of using these businesses in the future, they are not what they seem, especially in unforseen instances like this, they are not willing to band together to help.


Mrs. Ronni Mandell
(203) 745-1251

District Attorneys Office of Connecticut

Please see information below that fully explains a horrific event leading the the loss of our family pet due to lack of accountability and concern for the injured animal.

Update #19 years ago
My wife and I miss Tommy and my wife is having trouble getting the picture of this event out of her mind but it continues to play over and over in her mind and dreams while the owner of the pit bull has gotten a pass on this attack as the dog was evaluated by the Shelton Animal Control unit and deemed to be people friendly, which is ABSURD.

We thank all for their support. Bless you.
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