Eliminate Breed Specific Legislation in The US

BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) was originally an attempt by some well-meaning, although misguided, legislative bodies to protect the public from aggressive dogs. What is has actually done is cost the lives of 50,000+ dogs every year who are guilty of nothing more than having been born of a certain breed or in too many cases just resembling what someone thinks looks like a certain breed. It is time, with this president and this congress, which passed and signed the felony animal abuse law, to ask that ineffective BSL be replaced with meaningful Owner Responsibility Legislation, placing the responsibility where it belongs on the human, not the dog.

Please take a moment to sign this petition and share it with others.  Thank you.

We, the undersigned, petition the President, Senate and Congress of the United States, to draft and pass federal legislation banning Breed Specific Legislation (BSL).

Breed Specific Legislation was originally adopted as a safety measure to protect citizens from attack by dangerous dogs, specifically the breed commonly called the Pit Bull. That soon expanded to include 75 breeds of dog, none of which are inherently dangerous. Statistics since the first BSL laws/ordinances were passed indicate BSL has failed miserably to achieve its intended purpose and has had detrimental effect on public safety.

In its mildest form BSL requires pet owners to spend thousands of dollars annually to keep their pets. In its most vicious form it allows animal control officers to go into a home and confiscate a pet and euthanize without recourse or due process. These animals need not have ever shown any aggression. They are guilty only of having been born. It is of little or no consequence that the dog may be a loved pet, working or service animal.

We are not ignorant to the fact that dogs are used by the criminal element as a means of profit, i.e., dog fighting rings. We ask that the law take note of the fact that BSL has no legitimate effect on this criminal element in that it addresses the dog, not the perpetrator. The dog(s) is/are merely another victim.

Therefore, we respectfully request Congress to pass and the President to sign federal legislation banning BSL and replace it with effective Owner Responsibility Legislation.

Update #39 years ago
Extended deadline for signatures to Jan 15. Despite number showing on petition page, we have less than 2,100 signatures. This won't do the job, so please share and ask others who believe in justice and fairness (living in the USA) to sign. Thank you.
Update #29 years ago
Less than 10 days to the end of the petition, we are far from our goal. If we want to show Washington that BSL has to go, we need to do a better job of getting signatures. Please share the link: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/309/609/747/eliminate-breed-specific-legislation-in-the-us/ with family and friends in the US and urge them to join the fight by signing the petition now. Every day that BSL exists innocent family pets are destroyed for no reason other than how they look.
Update #19 years ago
We are running out of time. We need to get signatures of those living in the US (who have not signed as yet), so that it can go the Congress and the President before the end of the term. This won't happen overnight, but we must make it happen. Please share the petition and ask your family and/or friends to sign it. We anticipate big updates in the next 2 weeks.

Thank you for your support.

Eradicate BSL in the US & Canada
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