"A video appeared online showing tourists frantically rescuing two loggerhead turtles in Nicaragua who appeared to be stuck on their backs. According to the Western Daily Press, hunters dragged the sea turtles to the shore to suffocate them for their meat. Luckily, a British tourist named Chris Skone-Roberts spotted the turtles spread out on their backs in a garden near a bar. He desperately tried to save them by drenching them with water, but was abruptly stopped by a woman who claimed the turtles belonged to her. News reports claim that she might have been a hunter who was trying to suffocate the turtles so that she can sell them on the black market.
Skone-Roberts quickly called the police to report the incident, and at the same time he gathered a group of divers and tourists to try to help the turtles. They began helping by pouring buckets of water over the sea turtles to resuscitate them. When the rescuers saw that the turtles were regaining consciousness, they wheeled them back to the sea with the help of the people from a marine conservation group called The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
In Nicaragua, more than 30,000 sea turtles are killed each year. These turtles are classified as endangered species and the growing trend in turtle meat is thought to be the reason behind the reducing numbers all around the world.
Please sign this petition to thank Chris Skone-Roberts, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, and all of the brave tourists that helped save the loggerhead turtles."