Please sign and share this petition everywhere possible in an effort to get a retrial against the Gilbert Boarding Facility that killed many dogs in its care. This is the facility that was caring for more than 20 dogs last summer that were found dead while owners entrusted them in their hands. The judge just flat out dismissed the charges when all the evidence was clear that the animals were neglected!
I think most of you remember the news story from the summer about the boarding facility in Gilbert, AZ and associated petition at How sad to think you could leave your beloved pet in the hands of what you believe is a good reputable boarding facility, go away on a short or lengthy vacation only to return and learn your dog is deceased! The owners of this facility have been charged and went to trial but to the dismay of all the grieving pet owners, the case is dismissed??!! Some believe it is a political situation; political pull which is truly unfair and unjust.!!
All the pet owners were dumbfounded at the result of the trial and without words!! They were all understandably distraught. Some of the owners with young children still have to explain why the beloved pets cannot return home, ever. Although all the evidence was there during the investigation, it appears some details were not expressed during the trial, such as how the air conditioning was not working during these extreme hot days; how the animals were all crammed in a 9 by 12 hot room with no air or ventilation; how these dogs were all neglected and not even monitored under the extreme hot temperatures.
It was Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery that dismissed the charges against the facility owners Jesse and Maleisa Hughes and caretakers Austin Flake (Senator Jeff Flake's son) and his wife Morgan. This could be why some believe that the senator's political pull influenced the dismissal of charges against the owners.
Obviously no one has any concerns for the loss of lives as a result of this case and the breaking hearts of the dog owners. I appears that we need to revisit the previous petition to escalate the charges against these people and help us in this continuing effort by demanding a retrial of the case with all evidence present and no political issues; only the proof of animal abuse and cruelty that killed numerous animals. Sign and spread this petition everywhere possible on all media sites so we can ensure these owners are held accountable in more ways than one!!! Let us all be a loud voice for all those poor, defenseless, deceased dogs that never stood a chance!!
Maricopa County Judicial System - You need to do a complete retrial against the owners of dog boarding facility that left many dogs dead due to their negligence. It is unbelievable that no one considers the lives of these animals and all the facts in the case, including no AC during one of the hottest periods of the year, neglecting the health and needs of the animals. No one is giving thought to all the lonely hearts who left their animals in what they considered goo care to only come home and find out their furry family member died! There is definitely something wrong and shady about this situation; not just one little accident occurred; more than 17 animals died; and you dismiss the charges??? Politics should not be involved in this case at all but only the clear facts that all the animals in their "care" died due to negligence!!! Have a retrial with a judge and no politicians related in this case and have these people, Jesse and Maleisa Hughes and caretakers Austin Flake and his wife Morgan held accountable with jail time, fines, closing down the facility and banning them from ever owning or caring for any other animals for the rest of their lives! Be just and fair; a voice for all the dogs who never had a chance!!
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