- by: richard amerine
- recipient: Wisconsins Department of Natural Resources and the Wisconsin Stae Legislature .
A Law was passed and recently upheld by a appeals judge allowing Hunters to train their hounds 365 days a year to hunt wolves. Once wolf hunting season starts hunters are permitted to use up to 6 hounds to hunt wolves. If a wolf is all by itself--it's dead. When it's not hunting season, the hunters can unleash as many hounds as they want to " train " to hunt wolves. Wolves won't have a chance. If you ask me the hounds will be trained to be more vicious than the wolf. This is dangerous, imagine hiking out in the woods and a " pack " of these " killer " hounds running into you. Imagine what they will do to the wolves. I think that Idaho must have shipped some of their barbaric people to Wisconsin. Michael Vick, The NFL quarterback spent nearly two years in prison for dog fighting. This LAW is worse , as sick as what Vick did, A law that permits hunters for 365 days a year to turn loose in the woods as many hounds as they want to train them how to hunt wolves is not even something you would imagine happening in a third world country. NOPE, THIS IS MEDIEVAL . JUST PLAIN SICK !
It is out of control. This so called "wolf management " by these states that are permitted to do so. If we don't all Unite to end this, the wolves in the wild WILL disappear, even if say Idaho and Wisconsin get down to the federal limit of 100 wolves in each of their states, how long do you think they will exists, many will be taken by poachers, the rest will be killed by land owners " ranchers and farmers " because all they will have to say to justify killing a wolf is , they were threatining my livestock. Case closed, No more wolves.
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