Greece has just followed India, Costa Rica, Hungary, the UK and Chile in upholding its ban on captive dolphins. An amazing number of countries still have dolphinariums, though, including several in the EU.
Among these is Germany, which has a number of places exhibiting dolphins, including the zoos in Nuremberg and Duisberg.
Captivity is a terrible thing for cetaceans, and it’s appalling that a generally progressive country still allows the dated practice to continue.
Germany does not need this. Almost nobody visits the country to watch imprisoned dolphins perform circus tricks. If anything, it detracts from Germany’s otherwise positive image.
Ask the German government to take immediate steps to close the remaining dolphin shows.
We the undersigned ask that you introduce an immediate ban on the keeping of dolphins in captivity, with the only exception being rescued animals that are genuinely being rehabilitated.
Dolphins and other cetaceans suffer enormously in captivity; no pool, no matter how large, can possibly meet their needs. The practice of exhibiting the unfortunate animals for cheap entertainment is a dated one and should have been phased out a long time ago.
Please take urgent action to see that all the dolphins currently held in Germany’s zoos and aquariums are released if they can be or retired to sea pens if they cannot, and please do not allow the acquisition of any more cetaceans.
Thank you for your attention.