Avoid the problem of roadkill on our roads and motorways. Preventative measures needed!

  • by: Emma Owens
  • recipient: Highways England and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency.

I was very upset and distressed to learn that my friend ran over a fox which ran on to the motorway at night time. He said that he seemed to smash the foxes head in and it got dragged under his car. He said his car was covered in blood etc and that he is going to have to take it to a garage to get it up onto the ramp and get it thoroughly cleaned underneath. He said the car now smells, inside and out. He even said he could smell it days afterwards, whilst driving and the smell was getting worse and it put him off his dinner! I was horrified to hear this although I don't blame my friend. Sadly, people seem to accept roadkill as somehow inevitable and just a part of life. Yes, it happens but should we just sit back and accept this, or should we try to change things? We even have a name for the poor, defenceless animals that get injured or/and killed on our roads every day. We call them roadkill. Those animals could be nurturing cubs and babies that will inevitably be left to starve, so each animal actually maimed, injured or killed represents a lot more. I read up on this, after hearing about what had happened, and learned that whilst the relevant councils can be contacted to clean the road after an incident, not many people bother reporting it. Also, only certain animals have to be reported as having been run over, i.e. pets, such as dogs, farm animals such as sheep (who even knows this stuff?). This doesn't cover wild animals, such as foxes. I think up until recently this did not even include cats, as they wander outside alone, despite them being our pets! I'm not sure if this has since changed and whether you should also now report injuring or killing a cat. Also, yes people can contact the RSPCA, but how many do? How many people have the RSPCA number saved in their phone? I personally would not know what to do in that situation, other than freak out and panic and probably start crying my eyes out, feeling too terrified to go and look at the animal I just hit. Is that even a safe option on a busy road? Such situations are not covered in the highway code (or mentioned AT ALL in either the driving theory test OR practical test). It should be mentioned. People should be briefed on what to do, should they be unfortunate enough to have this happen to them. How many people stop, get out of their cars to face the reality of what's just happened, check if the animal is still breathing and call the RSPCA. I'm sure a lot do, but it's left up to the driver to decide. People have been brought up to show so little empathy towards animals. How horrifying this all is, if we actually take the time to think about it. And yet it is not prevented nor discussed. Imagine if people were dismissed as roadkill and left to die, in the worst agony possibly, on our roads after an accident. Left to be ran over time and again until there's nothing left but a smudge of skin and hair where we once lay. I think this is wholly unacceptable. The amount of suffering that an animal must go through, if not killed outright (which is bad enough) doesn't bear thinking about. I am petitioning to try to get the Highways Agency (now called Highways England) to put preventative measures in place. Not least because of the danger posed to everyone nearby in such a situation. I have heard of cars swerving to avoid animals and people getting hurt. I have done it myself! I swerved to avoid hitting a hedgehog. It was a knee jerk reaction. Luckily, nothing was driving past at the side of me at the time! I've also heard that one man went to look at an animal that he had run over on the motorway and he himself got killed. This is a very, very dangerous situation on all levels and I sincerely think that something should be done. I think that ALL motorways and high traffic roads which are surrounded by fields should have concrete walls/barriers placed between the field and the road so that no animal (large - deer etc or small - rabbit, mouse, fox) can cross under any circumstances! Animals are so defenceless, they can't learn the highway code, so we must protect them!!!! We must also protect ourselves!!!!!! Highways England, the undersigned (and myself) beg you to consider putting some preventative measures in place in order to avoid countless agonising deaths and traumatic, horrific animal suffering. This is immoral. This can be very traumatic for the drivers in such a situation and puts them (and everyone around them, including passengers in their own car) in danger. I also ask that the Highway Code be updated to include a section on how to deal with this situation should it arise and for the driving practical and theory tests to include information on it and the number for the RSPCA. This information should be updated as and when necessary.

Update #15 years ago
I haven't forgotten about this petition, I'm just waiting for more signatures. Any sharing would be appreciated. With tons of appreciation for all of your signatures, share the love <3
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