The Declaration of Family Rights

  • by: Moms & Dads
  • recipient: US Congress - Senators Charles Schumer & Kirstin Gillibrand

That when a child is born, both biological parents have a right to know. A child has a right to both parents in their lives. Fit parents decide what is in the 'best interests' of their children. Good, average, & poor parents are Fit & Equal parents.

That you and your spouse have a right to be presumed Fit & Equal parents (equal in terms of both physical and legal custody).

If anyone (a spouse, relative, social services) wishes to challenge these rights, you have:

1) The right to counsel.
2) The right to be presumed a fit parent, innocent, and deserving of an equal relationship with your kids.
3) The right to protection of a criminal jury. The "state" needs to prove you were a demonstrated serious and intentional threat to your child's safety and that you acted with mal-intent towards your children.

Supported by: National Parent's Leadership Council

We the undersigned believe it is time for one of our most fundamental Human Rights to be recognized and protected. The right to be secure in our families and free of government interference in our private lives.   We ask you to support the following "Declaration of Family Rights":

That when a child is born, both biological parents have a right to know. A child has a right to both parents in their lives. Fit parents decide what is in the 'best interests' of their children. Good, average, & poor parents are Fit & Equal parents.

That you and your spouse have a right to be presumed Fit & Equal parents (equal in terms of both physical and legal custody).

If anyone (a spouse, relative, social services) wishes to challenge these rights, you have:

1) The right to counsel.

2) The right to be presumed a fit parent, innocent, and deserving of an equal relationship with your kids.

3) The right to protection of a criminal jury. The "state"needs to prove you were a demonstrated serious and intentional threat to your child's safety and that you acted with mal-intent towards your children.
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