Stop Child Execution In Iran
International Children Day and Day Against Capital Punishment are both close. People of Iran has raised against Islamic regime in millions on the streets. Islamic Republic has decided instead to execute 8 teenagers right after these two days to show its barbaric nature to scare people away from public protests.
World should know Islamic Republic politicians tell children time and day they would be executed. Behnud Shojai, one of these 8 kids writes to his parents from prison this way: "I am staying in an isolated cell nights and waiting for executioner to come and take me for execution all the time." He says he would never forget these nights, and its nightmare is with him all the time.
Children First Now (CFN) is asking the most basic demand of our civilized world which is to Stop Child Execution in Iran! We also condemn strongly such a savagery actions which has been practiced by Islamic Republic three decades since its existence!
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