Reinstate Michele
- Petition to Reinstate Michele Rockne -
Who? Michele Rockne, a clerical worker and AFSCME union member, has served the students and faculty of the University of Minnesota since 2000. Just short of her ten year anniversary, Michele was forced out of her position supporting the work of the Fine Theoretical Physics Institute.
Why Reinstate Michele? University administrators refused to support Michele in her position in the Physics Department by neglecting to convey work expectations and standards. Fine Institute management went so far as to say that "setting standards and clarifying expectations in advance would be unfair to a University employee" and later failed Michele during her probationary period, the second such probationary period this employee has served, having long since proven her worth and expertise in serving University students and faculty over the past 9 and-a-half years.
No employee can succeed in a job if they aren't told what's expected of them or how they're to be evaluated. No employee deserves to be forced out of a job because a department's management refuses to properly train them or work with them to grow into a position. No single University employee or employee group should have to serve more than one probationary period during their time here - this is a standard applied specifically to Michele's employee group and is thus unfair. We ask that you sign the petition below to show your support for Michele and to let University administrators know that this type of treatment will not be tolerated.
We the undersigned are writing to share our frustrations with Fine Theoretical Physics Institute's management decision to remove Michele from her position at the University. We demand that you reinstate Michele and subsequently establish clear standards to help this long-term employee succeed in the Fine Institute.
You removed a dedicated employee during a probationary period - the
second probationary period this employee has served, having long since
proven her worth and expertise in serving University students and
faculty over the past 9 and-a-half years. We expect Physics management and the University to do the right thing and we'll continue to follow-up on
this issue until it's resolved.
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