Stop the CDFA closing California Raw Milk Farms

                          Stop the CDFA closing California Raw Milk Farms
                  You HAVE A RIGHT to drink Raw Milk from your own Cow or Goat

                            Herd Share Farms are NOT ILLEGAL in California
            Today the CDFA California Department of Food And Agriculture is illegally using broadly written regulations for processing plants to put your local goat and cow share farms out of business.  CDFA code 35011 and 35283 says that...

"Dealing in, receiving, manufacturing, freezing, or processing milk, or any product of milk."   is illegal without a California Dairy License.

They are using this against everybody who has goats or cows that use their own milk...but cannot or do not want to become a large licensed dairy. Even small Coop farms with educational livestock programs are being asked to spend thousands on plant and facilities to become a dairy or "cease and desist" letters and threats of up to a year imprisonment and/or heavy $10,000 fines are being made.

The CDFA and FDA say there are health risks to drinking raw milk.  This used to be true 50 years ago but today there is NO EVIDENCE that raw milk from local farms transmits food born pathogens like E-Coli or Listeria.  The religious belief "dead Pasteurized milk" is safe is not true either.  There are recent cases where Pasteurized Milk has been seen to transmit Listeria resulting in deaths on the East coast in the last 20 years.    In contrast Raw milk has active good bacteria that has conclusively been shown in recent laboratory studies to kill off major pathogens like Listeria, that  are introduced during testing, within a few weeks of shelf storage.

OK but they are now saying it is not legal to take home your own milk from your own cow or goat that is part of a cow share or goat share program.   This is your government regulatory agency telling you you have NO RIGHT TO FRESH RAW MILK from your own animals!!!

TODAY they are putting Evergreen Acres Goat Farm out of business as a Share farm.  We are being forced to become a Dairy Operation or go out of business. We can no longer board your goats and let you take your milk!!!!

PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE...Sign this petition and legislate the acceptance of local herd share farms as exempt from CDFA control.  This is simple to do by introducing legislation that Herd Share Programs are between private contracting individuals and do not constitute "RESALE" of milk or PUBLIC RISK.

This is LEGAL and thriving in progressive states like Tennessee and Colorado.

We need to do the same in California and many other states (about 22) that today say raw milk is not  legal.    We will need funds to fight this in court and any donations no matter how small are gratefully accepted.  

If we win this fight EVERYBODY will win..if we lose are next.....
We the undersigned  wish to introduce state legislation that recognizes the legal use of Herd Share Boarding Agreements that allows people ownership of livestock at a Herd Share Farm and the access to and removal from the farm of raw milk products from their animal and recognizes that this does not represent the resale of milk.

This is necessary to stop CDFA actions to close Share Farms who they think should become license dairies or should cease operations.  The dairy license and certification process is prohibitive to small farms and unnecessary for safe operation of small farms.

Progressive states like Colorado and Tennessee recognize Share farms as legal and are successfully regulating legal access to raw milk by allowing people to own a share in their own goat and obtain the milk from that goat or cow.   This protects the public and allows freedom of choice for those who need raw food to live. Many cannot drink pasteurized milk as it is toxic to their digestive system where live raw milk is not.  There are many nutritional benefits to raw milk which if accessed locally through small farms who educate their cow or goat owners is safe.

The CDFA is threatening those who milk their own livestock with criminal action. This is unnecessary harassment of small farmers and against the CDFA  Mission statement to provide safe equitable markets for foods.  The CDFA should be forced to be food agnostic and not pillory a food because of some unproven almost religious belief it is dangerous to the public.

We have legislation available for introduction in California immediately and we need your support to stop the CDFA actions.
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