Until now, Russia has not adopted the special Law against domestic violence, i.e. violent crimes against women, children and elderly in families.
Russia shows one of the highest rates of murders and physical violence against women and children in Europe!
We propose
- to include legal measures to secure women and children in the form of Protection Orders
- to create sufficient number of available shelters
- to criminalize partner violence in intimate relationship
- to implement prevention programs for offenders and
- to ensure the responsibility of all stakes holders and police for implementation of a Law against violence against women.
In order to promote the Law in Russia, we have started the project (LAW – Legislation to Achieve Women's rights) which shall be the first one implemented together by men and women organizations in Russia and Sweden.
Among them:
1) Men of the 21st Century: re-socialisation programs for men who commit IPV, St. Petersburg, Russia kolpakov.m21@gmail.com, www.men21.ru
2) Northern Way, St. Petersburg, Russia. Fatherhood development programs “Papa School” contact@svrp.ru, www.svrp.ru
3) St.Petersburg Regional Non-governmental Organization Institute of Nondiscriminative Gender Interrelations / Crisis center for women (INGI / CCW): Legal and psychological help for abused women info@crisiscenter.ru, www.crisiscenter.ru
4) Swedish Association Men for Gender Equality: vidar.vettterfalk@mfj.se
5) Swedish Association of Women’s Shelters and Young Women’s Empowerment Centres (SKR): linnea.halvarsson@kvinnojouren.se, www.kvinnojouren.se
The project is supported by SIDA.
We are cooperating together in public campaigns and educational programs for professionals and Deputies. We invite everyone to participate in the promotion of the Law against domestic violence in Russia.
We need international support!
To sign our call to the President and State Duma deputies on the necessity of the Law, please visit: http://www.crisiscenter.ru/ or http://vk.com/crisiscenter