To investigate Crimes Against Humanity within China.

  • by: Russell Wyllie
  • recipient: Deliver petition to the International Court of Justice
You can see many videos on human rights abuse in China at

Many reports have been recently broadcasted worldwide on human rights abuse occuring in China. Human Rights organisation Amnesty International has recently condemned the human rights abuse in China, yet the United Nations council have not seriously addressed this issue, and the International Court of Justice should now act responsibly on this issue, as Chinese petitioners are ignored by the Chinese Government.

Many people in China have been evicted from their houses to make way for development for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Chinese civilians are being intimidated, physically abused or tortured for speaking against the evictions.

Some other shocking reports are of execution buses in China, which are run by the Chinese Government. Chinese civilians or protestors against the Chinese Government are kidnapped off the streets, and placed on the buses to be executed by lethal injection.

There is also the illegal Chinese organ donor black market trade. Doctors in China have been deliberately and falsely diagnosing patients with organ problems,so that the patient's organ can then be removed and sold on to needy donor recipients through hospitals and clinics.

I believe this to be an important time to stop the Chinese Government from committing crimes against humanity in the future. The numbers of people killed or executed by Chinese Government is unknown,but specific communities and organisations within the Chinese civilian population are consistantly discriminated against by the Chinese Government.

Chinese civilians have the right to peaceful protests and the right to have complaints of human rights abuse committed against them heard by a court of law.
We the undersigned demand that the International Court of Justice,
Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands
to investigate crimes against humanity committed by the Chinese Government against Chinese civilians in China.

Many people in China have been illegally and forceably evicted from their houses to make way for development for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Those who petition against the Chinese Government are ignored, intimidated or physically assaulted by authorities in an attempt to quell the petitioners' demands. Some of these protestors have been placed in secret Beijing jails in recent months.

It has been reported that there are 'execution buses' in China, which are operated by the Chinese Government. The allegation is that Chinese civilians or protestors against the Chinese Government are kidnapped and placed on the 'execution buses' to be executed by lethal injection. This story has been broadcast by many television news networks worldwide.

There are reports of Chinese doctors within China who have been deliberately and falsely diagnosing patients with body organ problems, such as problems with the heart, liver and kidneys, so that the patient's organs can then be removed ,and sold on to needy donor recipients through hospitals and clinics in China.
Again, this story has been broadcasted by television news networks worldwide.

These allegations are possibly linked, as Chinese civilians and protestors who are executed in China may have been executed primarily for their body organs to be sold illegally on the Chinese black market.

Chinese civilians should have the right to peaceful protest, and the right to have their complaints of human rights abuses committed upon them.

Please take appropriate actions to investigate these claims fully.
Thank you for taking time to read our petition.
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