Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get the Terre Haute, Indiana law enforcement to inflict the maximum sentencing and penalty for the person responsible for two dead kittens found in his home along with a dog in horrific condition. The poor dog was barely alive with many open wounds, some of which dripped blood and invited parasites. This animals was so far gone and had to be euthanized. The owner of the dog that is also responsible for the kitten deaths needs to be severely punished for animal abuse, cruelty and neglect; at least 3 felony charges for each animal as well as a ban on ever owning, caring or even touching another animal for the rest of his life.
People in the neighborhood around 2036 North 7th Street In Terre Haute, Indiana noted a strong stench coming from this home although they have not seen anyone around for some time. Due to their concerns, authorities were called. One of the neighbors stated “I’m walking to my garage and I hear this sound and it was his dog. I wanted to be neighborly so I went to check on him. I started smelling this stench and I looked up and there was just blood dripping out of a bag.”
Later in the day, authorities arrived to investigate the situation and reported finding two dead kittens within the garage of the home. Animal Control Officer Tim Manley stated that “He (the homeowner) put the kittens in bags to keep the possums from getting them, but he didn’t throw them in the garbage.” These discoveries has people wondering if their lost cats are the deceased ones found hanging in plastic bags!
Manley continued to state that “The condition of the dog was horrendous. It had open sores all over its body, with matted fur, there was fly larva coming out of the animal and crawling all over it.” The animal had to be euthanized as a result of its poor health and condition.
Neighbors are not living in fear stating “Dead animals hanging in your garage? I’m going to move.” For some reason, authorities are not releasing the name of this person responsible for such awful cruelty and abuse but he has been issued a citation.
Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get the Terre Haute, Indiana law enforcement to inflict the maximum sentencing and penalty for the person responsible for two dead kittens found in his home along with a dog in horrific condition. The poor dog was barely alive with many open wounds, some of which dripped blood and invited parasites. This animals was so far gone and had to be euthanized. The owner of the dog that is also responsible for the kitten deaths needs to be severely punished for animal abuse, cruelty and neglect; at least 3 felony charges for each animal as well as a ban on ever owning, caring or even touching another animal for the rest of his life.
Terre Haute Law & Judicial System - Please ensure that the person on North 7th Street In Terre Haute be held fully responsible for the two dead kittens hanging in bags in his garage along with his dog that was in near-death condition. This person has no regard for other living beings like dogs and cats and he should be charged with 3 felony counts of animal cruelty, abuse and neglect in addition to being banned from caring for, owning or even coming within inches of another animal as long as he lives. This is a monster that does not deserve all that an animal can provide to someone who does care!!!
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