Demand that petsmart takes better care of their animals!

  • by: Brittney b
  • recipient: Petsmart Managers in CANADA and USA

PetSmart may be smart about making money, but it's clueless when it comes to taking proper care of the animals it buys and sells by the millions.

The company's trade in live animals supports a mass-breeding industry just as cruel as—and less regulated than—the puppy mill industry; results in abysmal treatment of tiny, vulnerable beings; and ultimately leads to their overpopulation, homelessness, neglect, and suffering.

Take a closer look at PetSmart and please do not buy anything from PetSmart until it stops selling all animals.

I bought two fish from Petsmart to add to my well established tank. The new fish developed ick within a day or two and contaminated my tank and other fish. I lost everything in the tank (even with treatment) except a snail. I called Petsmart to complain. They denied having any disease ridden fish and offered to give my money back for the two fish purchased (give me a break). I asked to have the store manager call me back. Guess what? I never received a call. I should know better and it was stupid of me to buy fish at any large chain store. They just don't have staff with the skills required to care for fish. Please don't bother with Petsmart and go to a local owned pet shop that actually cares about keeping their pets healthy!

Update #19 years ago
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