Help Save and Protect Animals from Abuse and Torture - Re-Classify them as Sentient Beings with Righ
- by: Lynn Miclea
- recipient: Anyone who is in a position of power or authority to help animals and change laws
Help Save and Protect Animals from Abuse and Torture - Re-Classify them as Sentient Beings with Rights!
Classify Animals as Sentient Beings - Not as Property - they are not "things"!
Animals are living, sentient, caring, feeling beings that should be protected
All animals, especially domesticated pets and wild animals such as elephants, need to be re-classified as sentient beings with rights, and therefore protected, rather than classified as property. Animals are sentient, loving, feeling, caring beings. They feel fear, pain, love, confusion, and grief. They are deeply family-oriented, like we are. In fact, the more we learn about them, the more complex and intelligent we realize that they are. These animals must be protected – if we are a civilized society, we must honor all animals, and we owe it to them to help them, not hurt them. They have as much right as we do to live their lives in peace and safety.
We have a moral obligation as intelligent, ethical, caring, compassionate human beings, to honor and protect other animals and life forms. Animals should never be abused or mistreated – they need our protection. Animals should never be forced to perform in circuses or used for testing or experiments – they are hurt, abused, and cruelly mistreated. Please help end this immediately.
The treatment of animals is horrifically barbaric and cruel, and it must be stopped. We need serious reform to help these animals. And re-classifying them as sentient beings with rights, rather than as things or property, is the first step.
Animal rights laws must be changed to protect the animals and we need no-kill sanctuaries to replace our shelters. In addition, these sanctuaries must be monitored and inspected by people who honor and love animals, not want them all killed.
Animals must be rescued from all circuses, zoos, Sea World, entertainment facilities, experiments, testing, horse-drawn carriages, and gestation crates. Babies should not be separated from their mothers – such as baby calves taken from their mothers. All babies need their mom, and all moms have a strong need to protect their babies. How can we not understand and honor that? Where is our compassion and our humanity?
We need the following implemented immediately.
1. Change the law so that pets are not classified as property – they are sentient beings with rights
2. Animal abuse should be classified as a felony
3. There should be strong punishment for animal abuse
4. Start and maintain an animal abuse registry – protect our animals
5. Put all animals in protected sanctuaries
6. Teach people to respect and protect animals
7. Ban the sale of pets sold in stores – especially dogs, cats, and rabbits
8. Ban dog fighting – make it a felony and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law
9. Ban and close all puppy mills and breeders
10. Ban the killing of all animals – wild and domesticated
11. Ban all poaching and sport killing of all animals
12. Ban the use of cruel gestation crates
13. Ban horse-drawn carriages
14. Ban the use of animals in circuses
15. Ban bullfighting
16. Free, protect, and put in sanctuaries all elephants from any other facility (zoos, circuses, etc.)
17. Ban zoos – the animals should be in protected, safe sanctuaries
18. Ban the holding of all animals in captivity – including Sea World and other facilities like that
19. Ban the use of all animals used for our entertainment
20. Ban the use of all animals used for experiments and testing
21. Stop PETA from killing animals in its facilities, especially healthy shelter animals
22. Protect and/or ban greyhounds from racing
23. Ban the sale and transfer of monkeys for research or testing – place them in sanctuaries
24. Punish anyone who partakes in animal abuse to the fullest extent of the law
25. End all unnecessary euthanasia of healthy animals in shelters
26. End horrific and abusive treatment of any and all animals at slaughterhouses
27. Publicize and show the public what happens at slaughterhouses
28. Crack down on illegal dog and cat meat trade
29. Impose stricter laws for animal abuse
30. All animal shelters should be no-kill
31. Stop harming marine life
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