Please take a moment to visit the Unchain PA Dogs website and sign your name in support of our dogs!
Only if you are a PA resident. If you do not reside in PA, please sign this petition and share, to help it spread and receive more support for the dogs!
Currently there are over 3,000 PA residents signed on in support of Unchaining PA Dogs, but we need as many as possible to represent the voiceless dogs waiting in chains and isolation. When this list is presented to our state's representatives, I know you will be happy to have listed your name in support! There are 3 simple things you can do:
1. Add your name at
2. Call your local representatives and urge them to sponsor House Bill 41. It only takes 1-2 minutes, and it really works! You can find your district representative here.
3. Check out: Unchain PA Dogs Facebook page
Thank you for supporting PA Dogs! These dogs deserve better!