In april of 2014 a Yuba County Sheriff Officer entered our yard on a 911 followup call (didn't even happen "GLITCH IN SYSTEM"}. When the officer knocked my son (grown man) came out of the unit nextdoor and asked if he could be of help. The yards between the units are adjoining and the dog was in the back.The dog heard voices and went to come around to the front. When the Officer heard the dog, my son says to him "don't worry he won't bite you!". BEFORE he even saw the dog he RAN to the front gate (3 foot tall) turned and fired at the dog running up to him. My son was coming up behind to restrain the dog and was in the line of fire. "Ludo" took a 45 to the face and survived. The officer said they would pay the vet bill. Then when we get to the vet they say we have to "Requisition" for it. Now They deny the claim. We might have made a different decision if they had said they wouldn't pay even though it was a negligent death in our eyes. This dog has not bitten anyone and is trained to bark until his owner arrives. A 3 foot fence keeps him in even though strangers are frequently walking by the fence. We demand justice for Ludo and dog specific training for all peace officers! The vet bill is over $13000 right now an he may have to have more procedures if any of the remaining bullet fragments "travel", but all in all he is doing very well. PLEASE support Ludo's cause to end the violence against dogs!