Recently my male Alaskan husky, Miko, wandered into a neighbor's yard and did what a dog was programmed to do, he killed a few of their chickens and ducks. The chickens as well as the duck, were free range in the woods. The guy shot Miko aiming to kill him, but only missed by an inch and hit his ear. We get a call saying that he's been shot, I go outside to look and he's bleeding out of his ear. We go back to the house to confront the guy about the situation, Miko in the car with me, he sees him and tells me, "I'm going to kill your damn dog". He starts yelling at me and my father and makes my father walk through the woods to pick up feathers because he didn't want to. It had been raining and was dark. Not knowing the outcome of what tomorrow might bring, we take Miko home to later find out, animal control is on their way in the morning to take my Miko and euthanize him. They deemed him a danger, although he's never shown signs of aggression towards anyone. Can we all just think as humans here, what good will come from killing him. They wouldn't even let me give him away. They took my baby...