Early in the year we heard of mountain lion cubs and their mother being killed on the 210 freeway in Chatsworth CA. On May 15th a female bear had to be euthanized after being struck by a vehicle on an onramp
As the population in Southern California continues to grow and as housing keeps creeping into what used to be undeveloped land that many wild animals live in, the instances of people verses animals continues to grow. People hiking and running into animals usually doesn’t end well for the people and animals ending up on the 210 freeway usually doesn’t end well for the animals.
It is time to fix this problem. This petition is to request that the Director of the California Department of Transportation, Malcolm Dougherty make this problem a priority.
There needs to be two or three Wildlife Corridors over the 210 freeway so that animals can cross over the freeway without being killed. One on either end of the 210 and one somewhere around the middle should minimize these avoidable killings.
With the growing population in Southern California if we don't do something now, these animals don't stand a chance of survival. It is up to us to do all we can to help these animals survive or they will just vanish from the area. That would be a great loss for everyone.