This legislation requiring rabies vaccinations for dogs travelling between all EU countries - even though both Ireland and UK are rabies free. The enforcement of this ruling will have a huge cost implication for ALL Dog Rescue Organisations in Ireland who send dogs to UK. The result will mean they will be forced to rescue fewer dogs and have to choose which dog lives or dies . And those fortunate enough to be rescued will have to have rabies vaccinations 21 days before they can travel. This will add a time delay between rescue and re-homing and ultimately mean that more dogs will die in Irish pounds because there was not room for them in rescue. Rescues do not have the monies to keep a large quantity of dogs for 21 days . Every living creature deserves the right to a good life and a happy home , this ruling is preventing this happening . More dogs are been dumped daily and the rescues are there to pick the pieces up , BUT now they have to choose what dog to save and which dog to leave to die. If their own country can not re home these rescue dogs , why should they die , please reconsider this ruling and help rescues save these dogs from a certain death . We the undersigned implore you to reconsider this law .