The U.S. House is trying to use the upcoming election to pass a series of dirty energy policies from 13 dead bills. This new "Frankenbill" would increase drilling for fossil fuels, stop the EPA from protecting clean water, and speed the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Don't let election politics spell disaster for our environment! Sign this petition to tell your senator to stop the House's Energy Frankenbill.
This bill is being called a "Frankenstein's monster of bad energy policy" because it packages together the destructive policies of 13 dead bills. The other bills passed by the House didn't make it through the Senate, but now that it's election season politicians are trying to ram them through by claiming the policies would be good for the economy.
The truth is that dirty infrastructure and increased drilling don't reduce costs or provide more jobs, and only serve to pad the pockets of polluters and discourage renewable energy investment.
Especially during an election season, when dirty energy companies are pressuring political candidates to get their way, it's up to us to make sure lawmakers stand strong on renewable energy and protect our environment.