INVESTIGATE AT THE FULL EXTEND OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT CAPACITY the actions of Vet.Emilia Herescu and ask for the HARSHEST SENTENCE based on the Law for the Protection of Animals in Romania ( 2008 ) - JAIL TIME...
Ladies and Gentlemen
It has come to the attention of the entire world the horrible way you treat strays in your city. It has come to our attention that Vet. Emilia Herescu kills healthy animals, doesn not apply the current Law for the protection of animals, the dogs are kept in the worts possible conditions and that the Deputy Mayor of your town expressed hi total satisfaction with the way Dr.Herescu kills the dogs...
We are also appalled by the fact that the city pound is NOT accessible to the public, nor to the people who would like to volunteer and take care of the animals...
We would like to ask you to review your policies regarding this matter and STOP the slaughter of dogs. Please let the local Association for the Protection of animals take charge of the strays and please, IMPLEMENT AND APPLY the LAW...
WE are very saddened by the news coming from Campina and we will not visit your Country nbor will we recommend to our friends to do so, because in Romania the animals are tortured and killed with impunity, and those officials who are supposed to implement a LAW fail to do so.
Please take a look at the evidence attached to our petition
IT IS OFFICIAL NOW...even the Romanian press has taken over this investigation....even more disturbing...this MONSTER is also the president of the College of Veterinarians in the Prahova county
"Medicina veterinar%u0103 este o %u015Ftiin%u0163%u0103 medical%u0103 care asigur%u0103 confortul %u015Fi protec%u0163ia animalelor %u015Fi contribuie la men%u0163inerea s%u0103n%u0103t%u0103%u0163ii publice %u015Fi la protec%u0163ia mediului. Profesiunea de medic veterinar este o profesie liberal%u0103 %u015Fi independent%u0103, cu organizare autonom%u0103 reglementat%u0103."
Legea nr 9din 25.01.2008),Normele Metodologice :ORDIN nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 (ANSVSA),523 din 30 iunie 2008 (MIRA),pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 205/2004, (EMITENT: AUTORITATEA NA%u0162IONAL%u0102 SANITAR%u0102 VETERINAR%u0102 %u015EI PENTRU SIGURAN%u0162A ALIMENTELOR ,Nr. 31 din 31 martie 2008 ; MINISTERUL INTERNELOR %u015EI REFORMEI ADMINISTRATIVE,Nr. 523 din 30 iunie 2008 ;
PUBLICAT %uFFFDN: MONITORUL OFICIAL nr. 511 din 8 iulie 2008]
News from Prahova county : Mrs. Doctor DEATH...veterinarian Emilia Herescu !!!!!
They do not want to apply the law from 2008...No euthanasia of healthy animals....they keep on killing them !!!!!!
THESE DOGS HAVE BEEN SPAYED AND NEUTERED>>>>>>>> AND KILLED AFTER, they have been starved to death...and let them killed one another...then she (Emilia Herescu KILLS THEM ALL !)
"De ce un viceprimar declar%u0103 public c%u0103 el face legea %uFFFDn Campina %u015Fi nimeni nu riposteaz%u0103?!""
The deputy Mayor of Campina liked how Dr.Emilia Herescu killed the dogs !!!!!!!!!!!!
"Elena Herescu revine! %u015Eeful medicilor veterinari din Prahova, cea care are un ad%u0103post de c%uFFFDini la Bolde%u015Fti Sc%u0103ieni %u015Fi mai multe dosare penale este a%u015Fteptat%u0103 zilele acestea la C%uFFFDmpina, pentru a semna contractul de str%uFFFDngere a c%uFFFDinilor comunitari %u015Fi %uFFFDn 2010. %uFFFDi va lua de pe str%u0103zi, va primi ni%u015Fte bani pentru asta, iar ce va face cu ei dup%u0103 aceea, nu e treaba noastr%u0103. Se merge pe acela%u015Fi sistem de anul trecut. Unii se vor bucura c%u0103 dispar c%uFFFDini, al%u0163ii vor face pl%uFFFDngeri, al%u0163ii vor suferi %uFFFDn t%u0103cere dup%u0103 c%uFFFDinele de la scara blocului.Dar c%uFFFDinii? Ce se va %uFFFDnt%uFFFDmpla cu c%uFFFDinii? C%uFFFDinii vor fi omor%uFFFD%u0163i, nu e niciun dubiu."
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