On September 9 2014 Edwin Chota, along with three Asheninka natives were reported dead, supposibly killed by Illegal Loggers. All this while the natives were in the middle of a legal battle regarding rights to the lands that are habited by the Amazon rainforest.
Following this Brazil has reported a rise in deforestation, up to 29% in a report from July 2013. Potentially reversing years of work that Brazil and us have done to protect the Rainforest.
For years the Amazon Rainforests in Brazil has seen the largest amount of deforestation which is done by illegal logging companies and mafias who use forged papers, intimidation and violence for their own ends and are widely supported by consumerists demand of many products including, but not limted, to Palm Tree Oil, Beef and Leather from cows, and Timber and the companies who think that they can sate the demand through this.
This can only continue if we let them.The Natives have had enough of what they describe as inaddiquate action.
And as a UK Citizen, so have I. Its time we take a stand against this type of trade.
We want to know who was responisible for the deaths of these native tribesman leaders and bring them to Justice, and an end to the illegal logging against Brazil, Peru and any other Amazon Rainforests that are threatened.
Will you join me in the cause? Let our voices be heard and show these loggers that we will not let this go unpunished.