Do you love cats & dogs? What if you could help end the unnecessary killing of thousnads in "shelters" every day? I would like to direct you to view Saving Animals in Shelters, and other rescue groups' pages on Facebook to see why this is so important. Then check out No Kill Coalition for how to do it without all the bloodshed. There are methods to use to end the killing of cats & dogs in the very places where they should be safe, until a home is found. (These groups are NOT affiliated with this petition, just excellent sources for concerned people to become educated on this issue). I would like to see laws enacted that would mandate all shelters becom no kill.
My primary targets are every state's representatives, and The Pres. & VP. Secondary targets would be heads of ASPCA, HSUS, PETA, & other major orgs. AND every one else I can think of along the way<G>. But major targets are state & federal lawmakers.
I also intend to call upon major animal welfare organizations to utilize more of their funds, often in the millions, to support no kill shelters, as well as urge them to create a national fund to assure animals are spayed & neutered.
My goal is to get at least 50,000 signatures , so that the governments and organizations can see we mean business, that we want shelters to actually be a shelter, a safe haven, for animals who still need a home. I intend to leave it up for as long as this takes.
I realize this is a huge undertaking. But isn't it aout time we who care actually tried to effect positive change? Please sing and share? For all the animals waiting for a home and in memory of all those who didn't. Thank you.
There are so many precious lives to protect and save!
[I had a lovely letter I typed, thought I saved it...but it didn't show....<ARGH> I will try agin later this week]
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