About half of the dolphins caught in Taiji were exported to China and other countries despite global criticism of the hunting technique to catch them, according to a report in the Daily Mail.
A total of 760 live dolphins from Taiji were sold between September 2009 and August 2014, fetching about 1 million yen ($8,030) each.
The method of catching the dolphins has been criticized globally as inhumane and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) recently forced Japan's zoos and aquariums to stop using dolphins caught by the method.
Japan's zoos and aquariums voted to stop using dolphins caught at Taiji - the vote was prompted by WAZA's suspension of the Japanese chapter (JAZA) in April over the issue.
Moreover, campaigners claim there is insufficient demand in Japan for the meat from dolphins butchered at Taiji and that the high prices of live animals sold to aquariums and dolphin shows is the only thing that sustains the hunt.
Dolphins have been shown to be intelligent animals - they deserve so much better than what they are suffering in Taiji. Will you join me in urging the Japanese Government to not only ban the export of live dolphins but to end the inhumane Taiji hunt?
Please sign and share the petition.