Please sign and share this petition on all your media sites as we try to seek some severe felony animal cruelty charges against a couple found with about 71 dachshund dogs living in horrific conditions in an outdoor shelter in sub-zero temperatures. The crates and pens holding the dogs were urine and feces covered and housed outdoors facing the frigid temperatures; the worst conditions of animal cruelty as witnessed by Animal Control.
In Westminster, animal control was called to a rescue in Westminster at the home of Ed and Shirley Aquaiar. What authorities found was that at least six dozen Dachshunds were living in outdoor kennels in sub-zero temperatures. The Animal Control Officer on the case stated that this was one of the worst situations he has ever seen. They were not only freezing but living in squalor. In his report, he stated that “The dogs were living in their own waste. The smell of urine was burning your eyes when you were in there."
Not only were the conditions poor for the animals, they also discovered horrific filthy conditions within the home of the couple and their 3 children, ages 3 to 14. These people boasted about being the best Dachshund breeders in the state, while also advertising to board dogs. Investigators had some suspicions that led to the rescue.
Initially the Aquaiar's were cooperative and surrendered most of the animals, later becoming hasty and combative. The animal control officer confirms in his report that “All were filthy and some were emaciated. Most had dental disease. We’re not sure if the dogs are vaccinated. We’re not sure if they’ve had any tests. We’re not sure if they’ve ever seen a veterinarian." He continued that “Anyone who puts a dog in this condition does not care about the pet. At that point they’re just trying to make money."
Unbelievably, the couple has not yet been charged. They haven't even pulled their license as yet. We are asking for your help by signing and sharing this petition on all media sites so that we can ensure the Aquaiar's have their license permanently revoked, inflict severe felony charges, 71 of them, and ban them from ever owning, caring or even getting anywhere near any other animals the rest of their lives!
Westminster Police & Judicial System - To begin with, the Aquaiar's need to have their license revoked while putting them out of business due to the abuse of all of these 71 Dachshunds that were supposedly in their "care." They need to face at least 71 felony animal cruelty charges for the horrendous conditions those poor animals had to endure, not only in filth but also in freezing temperatures. Make sure these people not only be punished to the highest extent of the law but also never be allowed to own, care for or even be near any other animals for the rest of their lives.