our Horsforth Park Dog has been claimed by his owner!! His name is Akira and he is nearly eleven years old! We cannot go into any more detail at the moment over what has happened but will update you at a later date when we have more details. Thank you so much for all your support its been amazing!!
Our Horsforth Park Dog was assessed on Thursday 22nd October to see if he was classed as type. There are no updates available to us of whether he has passed this assessment or not. We are currently awaiting an update from the Police Crime Commissioner on Monday 25th October. He has been reported on by ITV Calendar, Yorkshire Evening Post and Yorkshire Post so far. Please, please keep sharing to get more signatures for him and to help the other victims of Breed Specific Legislation. Together we are making a difference.
Horsforth Park Dog was found abandoned in the park on Monday 5th of October. He had been tied to the park railings and chewed his way through the lead. He was shaking and nervous but taken to a local house where he was loving and was also dog friendly. He showed signs of potential abuse which could be consistent with cigarette burns on his back and back legs.
He was taken by the local council and assessed as potential type. Then seized by police for assessment due to the fact he was chipped, which gave him another seven days of potential life. Unfortunately for him, he was then assessed as a type dog which means under the law he has to be returned to the owner on his chip who may no longer want him. Due to him now being a banned breed only his owner can claim him. He could be put to sleep on 19/10/2015 if no intervention is taken.
His facebook page is called 'Horsforth Park Dog' and has many devoted followers. We want to ask that you sign this petition to change the law so that dogs like him are NOT automatically put to sleep if there is a fit and able person or Specialist rescue available to take on responsibility. It is the current Breed Specific Legislation law (BSL) that puts dog like this, who have done nothing wrong, at risk! Let's change this law, it is unjust and unfair!! Let's start educating humans rather than penalising their dogs!!
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