Please sign and share this petition on all your media sites in an effort to tell the San Mateo Police Department that running over dogs with a car is an abusive improper way to control them. Whether they were reportedly aggressive or not, there has to be other methods to control an animal without aiming to kill it. That is cruel and inhumane! The officers responsible for running the dogs over with their car need to be reprimanded and suspended from duty while the police department also implements better methods of controlling unruly animals while out on a call; methods that could detain the animals without killing them!
Just recently the San Mateo police were called by neighbors regarding two aggressive dogs who apparently attacked some people with dog bites. The officers initially tried to distract or corral the dogs from the crowd of people. One of the landscapers feared to be attacked used a leaf blower to ward off the dogs.
When the dogs ran towards a couple of schools in the area with children, they decided to use their vehicle as a weapon to run down the animals, killing one instantly. The other survived the impact, then retreated to its residence where it was eventually seized by animal control, which brings us to several issues in this petition. To begin with, the owners of the animals need to be held responsible for their dogs getting loose and attempting to harm others, Secondly, the police department must development methods of subduing loose, aggressive animals without attempting to kill them in such an inhumane manner.
To begin with, whenever the police are called about loose dogs with aggressive tendencies, they should be required to have animal control or other experienced animal handlers along on the call. All officers need to extensively be trained on how to handle wild or feral animals and taught several humane methods of controlling these animals without killing them such as possible a tranquilizer gun to subdue but not harm the dog, among other possible ideas. It seems to be so much easier for them to just kill rather than make the animal temporarily incapacitated long enough to put it in a crate and bring it in to animal control for evaluation.
Help us in this matter by signing and sharing this petition on all media sites so we can make a statement to have all officers trained to more proper humane methods, punish the officers who resorted to killing the dogs with their vehicle and also make the owners of the dogs held accountable for allowing their dogs to be loose and terrorize the community.
San Mateo, California Police Department Officials - There is nothing humane about running dogs over with a car in order to subdue them. First of all, these officers responsible need to be reprimanded and suspended for a time as a message that this is not the way to handle such a situation. Secondly, you need to train your officers on other proper humane ways to subdue possible feral or aggressive type dogs without killing the animals; for instance why not tranquilize the animal to subdue it and place in a crate rather than running it over or shooting to kill. You may also consider officers be required to have animal control or other experienced animal handlers along on the call. Lastly, the owners of these dogs should also be held accountable for allowing their animals to be loose. There are many other options than to run over an animal!
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