Jul 13 at 9:25pm to Jul 21 at 3:25am in EDT
WORLD CLOCK CONVERTER: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Anaheim CA Jul 25- Aug 2 https://www.facebook.com/events/262811133879241/
Austin TX Aug 23 https://www.facebook.com/events/613797985355401/
Bakersfield CA Sep 4-7 https://www.facebook.com/events/373660406105891/
Biloxi MS Jul 3-6 https://www.facebook.com/events/283335641844415/
Boston MA Oct 15 https://www.facebook.com/events/659180104113591/
Colorado Springs CO Jun 5-8 https://www.facebook.com/events/610608909033031/
Dayton OH Sep 25-28 https://www.facebook.com/events/217099155164390/
Hidalgo TX Jul 17-20 https://www.facebook.com/events/756577811036621/
Las Vegas NV June 20-22 https://www.facebook.com/events/632748633440054/
Los Angeles CA Jul 9-15 https://www.facebook.com/events/719207401463919/
Ontario CA Jul 18-22 https://www.facebook.com/events/1403393899929466/
Phoenix AZ Jun 25-30 https://www.facebook.com/events/620704751341158
Sacramento CA Sep 12- 15 https://www.facebook.com/events/313988872090938/
San Antonio TX Jul 5 https://www.facebook.com/events/202534893288640/
Salt Lake City UT Sep 24-28 https://www.facebook.com/events/622851981137050/
San Diego CA Aug 7 https://www.facebook.com/events/784504134907687/
Spokane WA Sep 12-14 https://www.facebook.com/events/666986723366738/
Tucson AZ Jun 12-15 https://www.facebook.com/events/568414779937790/
Wichita KS Aug 7 https://www.facebook.com/events/216983815178050/
We will educate locals in every city that Ringling Bros- The Cruelest Show On Earth- is due to arrive in one week before they get there. Every city, every week. We’ll continue exposing their violations/abuse throughout their 2014 tour, as we did during 2013, asking locals to boycott Ringling Bros. Circus! All this week we’ll educate Odessa TX and Anaheim CA!
Think of this action as cyber leafleting!
1. Open your email to send. 2. Copy/Paste our letter into your email.3. Copy/Paste ALL the emails in the first block into your email. 4. Send! 5. Repeat for other blocks.
We have the power to save animals when we work together en mass! This is seemingly a large undertaking, but its not.
If we each send the email list of the day- that’s it. If enough people know about the horrors that circus animals suffer, they WILL stop supporting circuses. The most effective campaigns that help animals are the ones that are SUSTAINED over a long period of time. As they arrive in each city, they will be met with at least an educated public and hopefully large protests! We ARAs can leaflet before Ringling arrives. We can stand on a busy corner with a sign to boycott Ringling. We may not bring an end to all circuses but we can definitely make Ringling lose money- maybe keeping more animals from being enslaved in their traveling prison camps!
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Dear Friends,
As you may know, The Ringling Bros Circus will be in your area next week and you will likely see locals protesting there. I’m writing to ask you to consider boycotting anything to do with Ringling Bros Circus because slavery and humiliation are not entertainment. The bottom line is that animal circuses are horrific and cruel. Neither child nor adult should be giving a single dollar to Ringling Bros. because they will use it to buy stun guns, whips, electrical prods and bullhooks to torture their animals with until they comply. Ringling subjects all their animals to brutal “training,” including baby elephants. Bears, elephants, tigers, lions and other animals do not voluntarily ride bicycles, stand on their heads, balance on balls, or jump through rings of fire. They don't perform these and other difficult tricks because they want to; they perform them because they're afraid of what will happen if they don't.
-For dozens of cruelty violations between 2007 and 2011, Ringling paid the USDA $270,000 for failure to comply with humane treatment laws. This is the largest penalty ever assessed against an exhibitor for animal cruelty.
-January 6, 2012: A Ringling animal trainer, Tabayara Maluenda, told The Miami Herald, “I’ve had more than 250 stitches around my body, and for this new season, I had 44 new ones from one tiger, trying to do something more energetic for ‘Fully Charged.’”
-This video shows children riding an angry elephant http://vimeo.com/98627950
DEATHS (not a full list!)
-December 2, 2012: Susan, a 61-year-old Asian elephant, was euthanized “due to quality of life issues.” She had tested -positive for tuberculosis earlier in the year.
-October 31, 2012: Sid, a 45-year-old female Asian elephant, was euthanized because of“declining health.” She was used as part of Ringling’s breeding program.
-June 27, 2012: Minyak, a female Asian elephant born in the wild in 1966, died after spending the majority of her 46 years performing in the circus. She was retired two years before her death.
-January 23, 2012: Banana, a 55-year-old Asian elephant, was euthanized because of her declining health. She performed for Ringling for 41 years, from 1969 to 2010.
-April 2014: Carol the elephant was the victim of a drive-by shooting at Ringling show in Tupelo 2013. A year later, she was brought back in chains to perform at the same place she was attacked. Carol’s Ringling performance includes her standing on 2 legs, back legs spread open, with her face smashed on the floor. CNN photo of Carol: https://emptyallcages.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/carol.jpg
Recently, a reporter wrote, “ We cover the protests each year. Frankly it’s always the same old pictures, videos and reports. This year we’re looking for something new. Any incidents from 2013 or 2014?” A compassionate anti-circus mom replied:
Dear Scott,
First and foremost the circus is slavery. Even if there wasn’t abuse documented from every single circus, it would still be horrible, barbaric slavery. These “same old pictures” show what happens every day to living, thinking, feeling beings. Here’s an Animal Defenders International dated May 2014 http://vimeo.com/98627950 . I’m afraid it will bore you and your readers as its just the same old horrible treatment of circus animals. THAT’S the story Scott- that slavery is still flourishing and some actually gather to laugh and cheer at it. "The animal acts we have on display in animal circuses are disgusting, hideous and vile demonstrations of the depravity of uneducated, unenlightened profiteers. A product of ignoble minds.” Philip Wollen
PLEASE PLEASE boycott Ringling Bros. and those businesses supporting them-
no matter where they are or what they are doing in your town. It’s a simple and moral way to stand up for what’s good and right. The circus is slavery. The animals could go free if nobody came to see them.
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