Mike Bax has been listed as Master of the 'Blean Beagles' since 1991 in a variety of hunt directories. 'Kent Wildlife Trust' claim he left the Blean Beagles in 2005, after the passing of the Hunting Act; which made hunting hares with dogs illegal. However, Bax is still listed as Master of the Blean Beagles in Baily's Hunt Directory.
The Brown Hare is an endangered species in the U.K., due, in the Wildlife Trusts words to a 'drastic decline in numbers' and 'coursing has...had an impact'.
Bax's business partner, Stuart Sillars, is also currently listed as a Joint Master of the Blean Beagles in Baily's Hunt Directory and has been filmed hunting with Beagles, most recently in March 2017. This is a major conflict of interest for Bax.
Beagling is a cruel pastime. Beagles are bred specifically for their stamina. Whilst a Hare will easily outrun a Beagle; a Beagle is persistent. The Beagles will often lose sight of the Hare, but keep its scent and follow its trail. Hunts usually last for over an hour. At which point the terrified and exhausted Hare is ripped to shreds by a pack of at least ten Beagles.
Allowing Bax to retain his position as Chairman, allows him strong influence over policy.
We the undersigned are extremely dismayed and worried about Kent Wildlife Trust's continued association with their Chairman, Michael Bax.
Regardless of whether Bax is still Master of the hunt or not, he definitely was. As a spokesperson for Kent Wildlife Trust's membership, I cannot begin to comprehend, how a man with such a history as Bax's, was able to gain such a strong position of influence within a wildlife conservation charity. He still allows a pheasant shoot on his land and his business partner at BTF Partnership, Stuart Sillars, is Joint Master of the Blean Beagles and has been filmed hunting with Beagles on several occasions, most recently in March 2017. This is a huge conflict of interest for Bax and he should be removed as Chair immediately.
We, as members, pay our fees to provide sanctuaries for wildlife against hunters. It is not fair on us, that hunters are then placed into the top positions on a Wildlife Trust's board.
We all want the best for the Trust and keeping Bax on, does not help us achieve that goal. He is bringing the Trust into disrepute and if he really cared about wildlife and the Trust so much, he would step down.