It seems people must always hate something, but this page has gone too far and is promoting hate, the death of dogs, and awful abuse towards dog owners. It has been reported numerous times by many people but is still on Facebook and they have not taken action against it. So lets do that here and hope Facebook wakes up to the fact that they have 'community guidelines' for a reason and this page DOES breach them. One similar page, possibly created by the same person, has already been removed, so there is hope in getting this one removed too.
Not liking something is fine, but to create a page which is filled with hate, not only towards dogs but people too, some of whom have had personal items stolen from their profiles by the owner of this page and had the most awful levels of cyberbullying, which Facebook is supposed to be against, levied onto them.
Lets get this page off, Dead Baby Jokes is now gone, so if that can be done, then so can this.