Tell the Canadian Government to Vote "No" on Retiring Politician's Seal Slaughter Bill!
Retiring politician Greg Kerr wants to leave Canada with a legacy of seal slaughter. Bill C-555 -- one of his last acts in Parliament -- aims to force observers to stay at least one nautical mile away from seal hunters.
Kerr says in his defense, "“[The seal hunt is] a legitimate industry that’s been going on for 300 years. I respect your right if you don’t like it but guess what, you have to abide by the law.”
Cruelty isn't "legitimate" just because it's been going on for hundreds of years. The main reason to keep observers away from hunters is to prevent them from taking photos and video footage that would expose the hunt's cruelty. If the hunters have nothing to hide, they should have no problem with photos and video being taken of their actions.
Bill C-555 awaits final passage in Canada's House of Government, and if the head of Canada's Conservative Party supports the bill, it will pass. Please urge Canada to stand against seal hunting cruelty and reject Kerr's bill!
We, the undersigned, are concerned with retiring politician Greg Kerr's Bill C-555, which aims to force observers to stay at least one nautical mile away from seal hunters.
Kerr says in his defense, "“[The seal hunt is] a legitimate industry that’s been going on for 300 years. I respect your right if you don’t like it but guess what, you have to abide by the law.”
Cruelty isn't "legitimate" just because it's been going on for hundreds of years. The main reason to keep observers away from hunters is to prevent them from taking photos and video footage that would expose the hunt's cruelty. If the hunters have nothing to hide, they should have no problem with photos and video being taken of their actions.
We respectfully urge you to stand up for your nation's wildlife instead of protecting cruel acts against it. Please vote "no" on Bill C-555. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
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