A US-owned company wants to breed beagle puppies at Grimston near Hull, in East Yorkshire, so they can use them to test drugs! This primitive form of testing needs to be stopped. Dogs are man’s best friend. Not lab experiments.
There was controversy with the dog eating festival in China this year. Where dogs are bred for food. This act is in the same category. What an inhumane life these poor dogs will have.
Most people have had puppy moments. They are so small, cute. Their tail always wagging or getting up to some mischief. These puppies will be robbed of that enjoyment and wonder and forced into a life of a cage. Constantly under the effects of these untested drugs, creating agonizing pain and deformity in some cases.
They want to breed over 3,000 puppies each year. This sheer volume demonstrates the turnaround of test lab dogs which indicates death from drugs is certain.
Don't allow the US to move their sickening, money driven acts to the UK and tarnish the UKs work on animal welfare. There are other ways they can test these drug and the money is in the drugs industry to pursue these alternative methods.
We need to make a stand and say TODAY and say NO! We will not accept this kind of behavior on UK soil! Don't let this play on your conscience. Please please act today and help us stop this uncompassionate act.
We would never accept this behaviour towards our own pets. Sign this petition and make a stand!!