It is abundantly clear to anyone living in SA that there are more dogs than there are homes, and that most of the dogs that get put down are from the townships where they have more often than not suffered terrible abuse and starvation before they end up in a shelter-if they are lucky. The animal rescue groups that are active only touch the tip of the ice-berg when it comes to spaying&neutering in these areas, as there are simply too many animals that are breeding indiscriminately. It is time that government steps in with a law to spay & neuter these dogs to stop the current situation. This could easily be funded by a dogtax payable by all dog owners. Please add your voice to this petition !
To the South African government
A Nation is only great when it gives a voice to those who have none.
Please implement a law which requires dogs to be spayed and neutered in order to stop the overpopulation of unwanted and uncared for animals living in townships.
The funding should come from government and not be from public donations only as is the case currently. Dogtax should cover this cost,-no tax -no dog !
Thank you