USA Today reports how animal control officer, Scott Pracht, describes the scene on Larry Browning's farm as "the worst case of animal abuse" he's ever seen.
In Pendleton County, Kentucky, 14 emaciated horses and 49 horse carcasses were found on Browning's farm. Animal control officers also found:
- Horses' water source contaminated with dead horses
- Horses had no grass to eat
- They were eating hay intended for cattle, not horses
Despite this evidence, Larry Browning made a deal with the prosecutor where he will be put on 18-months probation, and he'll be required to pay a fine. He can also still keep animals.
All the horses needed was clean water, healthy food and a de-wormer to thrive, but Browning couldn't meet their basic needs.
Tell the Pendleton County Court that animal abuse should never be tolerated and Larry Browning shouldn't be able to keep animals by signing and sharing this petition. Animals are our responsibility -- that Browning showed that he can't handle -- not a right.