This is a HORRIBLE "sport" that ALLOWS young horses (since they are smaller & easier to trip) to be shocked, tripped head over heels, and dragged by their necks! They are first locked in cramped pens with no food or water, then a loud horn goes off and the chute door flies open & they're shocked with 5,000 volts. They run in fear & pain, and then 2-cowboys throw ropes around their legs & neck, but each time they struggle to get up they are tripped again...REPEATEDLY. Most have rope burns that carve inches from their skin, and broken bones since they are young horses with smaller bones. This hell for them does not end until either the time runs out, or they collapse from complete exhaustion. Then the final, brutal torture; they are DRUG OUT OF THE ARENA BY THE ROPE AROUND THEIR NECK NEARLY SUFFOCATED BY THEIR OWN WEIGHT. Sadly, if they don't die, they are then sold/subjected to butchers that begin CARVING THEM UP WHILE THEY ARE STILL ALIVE!