I see so many people, groups and organizations that want to honor people by releasing balloons.... but no one stops to think where those balloons will end up. what goes up must come down .... right? so when these balloons come down , where do they go? they can land anywhere , a tree , a field, your yard.... but what does that make this balloon? litter! releasing balloons is littering. now where does litter end up? 9/10 times it goes in a storm drain and into a creek or river and if it makes it far enough the ocean. what does an deflated balloon look like to animals? food. what happens when an animal consumes a balloon ? it gets sick and worse sometimes death. what do you think happens to the string of the balloon? imagine swallowing a 6 foot string or getting it wrapped around your wing or leg only you don't have thumbs and scissors to get it off. there is nothing good that will come from littering our world with this silly unnecessary act of releasing balloons. please think about future consequences of what you are doing before making a decision that affects others.
dear DEP,
please help us help our beautiful planet and creatures that co habit with us to stop suffering horrible deaths from balloons that are released by people, groups and organizations by making this illegal. it shouls be considered under littering which is not allowed so why is this act treated differntly. the balloons may not be seen falling to land or water but we all know that is the end result.
please help us save many animals , fish and birds by hearing our cries to stop this .
thank you for your time and feel free to pass this along to anyone else that may be able to help,
a group of caring people.