Demand that Seventh Generation Switch to Sustainable Palm Oil!

  • by: Maro A
  • recipient: Seventh Generation sourcing team

Seventh Generation is known for being a cruelty free, environmentally-friendly company. However, they source their palm oil from Indonesia/Malaysia, which is most certainly NOT eco-friendly! Depending on what continent (more specifically, what country) palm oil comes from makes the difference between it being an environmental disaster or a highly sustainable product. Indonesia/Malaysia is the worst place for palm oil to be sourced from, although up to ninety percent of all the palm oil on earth comes from Indonesia and Malaysia. Palm oil production there is far from sustainable. Miles and miles of rainforest, often peatlands, are burned to rid them of all vegetation, so that palm oil plantations can be set up there instead. Animals fleeing the flames are often drove back in to the fire, or shot at and killed for their pelts and/or body parts. Over fifty orangutans are killed every week for palm oil, and if orangutans do become extinct (which is a very real possibility), scientists say that it will be almost completely because of palm oil production. In addition, indigenous people are frequently kicked off their land and left with nowhere to go, and child labor is very commonly used on palm oil plantations. All the burning of rainforests and peatlands is contributing greatly to global warming and has made Indonesia the third largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world.
In comparison, palm oil production in Brazil is very different. Palm oil plantations on land previously used for cattle farming generate more jobs and higher income for people than low intensity cattle ranching does. In Brazil, the main threat to rainforests is cattle ranching, and although oil palm trees are not as valuable as rainforest trees, they still take carbon out of the air and are a far more sustainable option than raising cattle. Cattle generate methane (a greenhouse gas) through their waste, as well as polluting waterways, compacting the soil, and depleting valuable resources. Compared to cattle farming, palm oil production in the Amazon is actually helping the rainforest, not hurting it.
Because of this, I ask you to please sign this petition asking Seventh Generation to start sourcing the palm oil and palm oil derivatives in their products from Brazil on degraded land previously used for cattle farming, which will be a big step in the right direction – for animals, humans, and our environment. Orangutans and many other endangered species are being driven to the brink, and could become extinct in just a few years if this highly unsustainable palm oil production in Indonesia and Malaysia continues.

Thank you so much for signing, and please share this petition with all of your friends and family members!

Update #17 years ago
Thank you so much to everyone who has signed and shared this petition! We have 251 signatures and counting! Please keep sharing this petition with your friends and family!
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