Please sign this :) (Note that pictures is not the dog its a example from the site)
Columbus,Nebraska (Cant put the address due to it can lead me into trouble).
It's 106° with the heat index. This dog is outside 24/7 with the owner stopping twice a day to check on him, has a fan blowing hot air on him, a water bowl he's trying to sit in for relief, and is in this kennel at a house that no one actually lives in. The owner sprayed round up in the kennel to kill all the weeds (so what does he think it will do to a puppy?) and has a couple stacks of brick pavers on the inside of the kennel that could fall on the dog and stop the air from circulating inside, along with plants around the kennel that also allow for minimal airflow. His only shade is the dog house, which the dog can't go in bc it's too hot. It looks like he's also chained up in the kennel, so being a puppy, he's probably got himself so wound up that he can't move around very well. Police and animal control have been called and there is "nothing they can do". I'm just at a complete loss for words. This is not a life for a dog! Message me if you want the address to call animal control or the police. Maybe if enough people feel this dog's life is worth saving, he can find a loving owner who actually wants him and isn't just trying to prove a point because his last dog was rescued. But beware - if I give you the address, feel free to drive by but do not go on his property. He has 3 cameras on top of his house to "catch" people trying to rescue his dog.