Save Oki the lonely deer from being shot!
Do not let Wokingham Borough Council kill Oki the lonely deer to protect an allotment!
Please sign this petition to ensure that a female deer that has somehow become separated from her herd is not killed. Wokingham Borough Council need to think of other ways to resolve this issue, such as improving fences around the allotments. Killing a deer because she has been eating a few runner beans is not acceptable!
Roe deer are native to Britain and have been present since before 10,000 B.C. Killing this deer could set a dangerous precedent for future policy in regard to shooting rather than saving deer.
The lonely deer has become separated from her herd and made her way to Wokingham where she has now become quite settled. I live locally and am an animal lover, and I have decided to name her Oki.
A Wokingham Council committee will decide what to do with the deer on 1 September 2015 - with options including improved allotment fencing, or capturing or even killing her.
A council spokesman said: "No decision has yet been taken about how to proceed."
Please sign now to tell the Council not to kill this beautiful lonely deer! If enough people sign, they will see that alternatives to shooting her are the only humane option.
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