More Space Slots in PlayStation Home
- by: Antoinette Ali
- recipient: People that enjoy playing on PlayStation Home
Some of the spaces that can be bought electronically with real money vary in size. Some are small while others are literally electronic mansions.
The only allowed number of "decorating" or Space slots in order to design your space is 100 slots. For every space!
Now, 100 slots is fine for some small spaces or even some meduim spaces. But there are some PlayStation Home spaces that are very massive and even four stories high.
So if you agree, and you know the issue with playstation home spaces and want your monies worth when you buy the space, win it or just enjoy being in your virtual home, then you should sign this to make the experience better.
Here are some suggestions:
Small Space Slots: 100

Meduim Space Slots: 120

Large Space Slots: 150

Extra large Space slots: 175

And that is even including decorating outside.
Please pass this on to everyone you know on psHome and make sure to sign. And we know that the people at sony are more than capabe to do this, with a patch or something in a month or two.
We beleive that they are the best in gaming and that is part of the reason why I'm starting this, just to help them more.
Dear Sony Play Station,
I'm an active user of your system and I have had every cousel that you have made, going onto the PS4 (When it is avalable and not sold out, Awesome!).
I love and beleive in your company to the point that I also enjoy your simulated play on Ps home avidly.
I can account to spending 300 dollars or more on Pshome, and my husband even bought another Play Station so that we can both have fun in this virtual world. that ishow loyal we are.
The problem is, that the spaces, while enjoyable, are varied in size. When we wish to decorate ot arrange certain things, the space in order to do this is limited. Some of your spaces are huge in stature, electronically, respectfully.
I have heard on and off of PS Home how people would love more space slots for these seid spaces.
You guys are the best in gaming, hands down. I know that it will take a few weeks for that patch, but it will be rewarding to not only us, but to you, because once again you would of shown you were in it for the customer's approval and that our money and investment is assured with you.
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