We have a golden opportunity to save all the animals who have survived the hardship of utter neglect at the Palembang Zoo in Indonesia. We need to not only restore the consistent supply of food and water, but prepare to move the animals to good habitats where all their needs can be met. Because these animals cannot be returned to the wild, we owe it to them to provide healthy & natural enclosures where they can remember what it is to feel peace and contentment once again.
1) Single Gift Option:
Please donate to our sanctuary fund to help these animals.

2) Monthly Donations:
Have a monthly gift sent automatically to our sanctuary fund to help these animals.

3) Credit Card Option
4) Donate by Mail
Please send a check to:
Harmony Fund
800 Main Street,
Suite 217, Holden, MA 01520
5) Donate in a Different Currency
6) International Wire Transfer
SWIFT code for wires sent in US dollar: BOFAUS3N
SWIFT code for wires sent in foreign currency: BOFAUS6S
Routing Number: 026009593
Account Number: 004615583963
Name of Account: Harmony Fund