Recent proof shows that over 90% of the Monarch population has dissappeared in the past five years, and the trend is showing no sign of slowing down. In 2012, just 60 million butterflies were counted migrating to Mexico, and since then, that number has dropped to only 33 million.
Why is the population disappearing so quickly? Who, or what, is killing the Monarch Butterfly?
Simply put, American Farming Corporations are to blame. In recent years, the Monarchs main source of food-called milkweed-is being destroyed at breakneck speed by pesticides that U.S farming corporations put in their crops. If these Farming Giants don't stop killing milkweed-and soon-the Monarch butterfly will cease to exist in a number of years.
But there is hope. Milkweed can be replanted, and pesticides can be changed. IF Farmers stop destroying the Monarchs food source, the Monarch population will have a chance at staying one of the most famous symbols of the beauty of the gift of nature.