"Peanut" was a beautiful, healthy, happy puppy 3 months ago,,City of Broward, FL, animal shelter ALLOWED a deranged person to adopt this innocent animal, who in turn abused him so severely, the dog died on July 15th, subcumbing to numerous atrocities against its little young body. THE SHELTER DID NOTHING TO CHECK ON THIS DOG THE ENTIRE TIME IN AN ABUSERS HANDS. The pictures are horrific & graphic. This dog suffered horribly, DAILY SLOW TORTURE,,until his little body could take no more. Organs collapsed,,fluid leaking throughout his body, coming out of his OPEN WOUNDS left untreated!!. Send a message to all animal abusers MAXIMUM JAIL INCARCERATIONS and to the Shelters/Municipalities....DO YOUR JOBS!!! YOU FAILED THIS DOG AND YOU FAIL SOCIETY! FELONY CHARGES, MAXIMUM SENTENCING SOUGHT
"Peanut" was a beautiful, healthy, happy puppy 3 months ago,,,until City of Broward, FL, animal shelter allowed a deranged person to adopt this innocent animal, who in turn abused him so severely, the dog died, subcumbing to numerous atrocities against its little young body. The pictures speak for themselves. This needs to be investigated at the highest levels for what The City of Broward did and did not do to ensure this dog was adopted to a "normal" human caregiver. Maximum Animal Abuse Penalty/Jail needs to happen for the animal abuser. Inquisition into Broward County Animal Control/Shelter practices must occur. Accountability for this dogs' untimely and tortureous death must happen! This is unacceptable and HEINOUS. Send a message to all animal abusers MAXIMUM JAIL INCARCERATIONS and to the Shelters/Municipalities....DO YOUR JOBS!!!