Don't kill the bobcats in Illinois

  • by: Judy Merrick
  • recipient: Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and the State Senate

The Illinois state legislature is on the verge of lifting the ban against killing bobcats again. Illinois banned bobcat hunting in 1972 after the population was nearly extinguished by habitat changes and over-hunting. The cats recovered because they earned a spot on Illinois’ threatened species list. The General Assembly moved last year to lift the hunting ban but Gov. Quinn vetoed the bill. Now we have Gov. Rauner who is a hunter and is leaning towards approving the bill to allow hunting of bobcats again.

This issue is very important to me perhaps because I volunteer at a wildlife sanctuary and rehabilitation facility in Glen Ellen, IL where we have a bobcat pictured above.  He was hit by a car near Bloomington, IL and suffered a head injury affecting his sight which means he is unreleasable and a permanent resident at the sanctuary.

Bobcats play an important role in the ecosystem. Common foods include rabbits, squirrels, birds and rodents such as mice, voles and rats. With the exception of birds, these are all rodents that humans need to control. Bobcats are a natural control of the rodents. Bobcats do no harm to people and the only reason they hunt them is for vanity – a trophy on the wall or a fur collar.

Please sign my petition to help stop the momentum in Illinois to kill the bobcats. Together, we can save these creatures!

Please oppose legislation that would allow the hunting of bobcats in Illinois.

Bobcats are wonderful creatures, vital to Illinois' ecosystem yet still in trouble 40 years after their hunting was first banned. Many wildlife advocates question the DNR's estimate of 5,000 cats, and believe the number is closer to 3,000.

Bobcats do no harm to people, so the only reason to hunt them is for vanity – a trophy on the wall or a fur coat collar! Indeed, common bobcat foods include rabbits, squirrels, birds and rodents such as mice, voles, and rats. With the exception of birds, these are all rodents that humans need to control.

Not only would open hunting not do any good, it could lead to animal cruelty. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, "Some are trapped, which can keep them languishing in pain for up to 24 hours as they suffer from stress, pain and such debilitating injuries as broken limbs, broken teeth, dislocated shoulders or amputation of paws or legs. Others are chased by hounds through the woods, and the dogs may rip them apart on the ground."


Please stand with Illinois' ecosystem, and save the bobcats - defeat this legislation!
Update #29 years ago
Greetings. Signatures for the petition to ban bobcat hunting in Illinois were delivered today to Gov. Rauner and key legislators. Thanks to all of you who signed we have 53,465 signatures and still counting. As they come in we will deliver. The pressure is on the Illinois governor and legislature.
Update #19 years ago
Unfortunately the House of Reps in Illinois passed the bill to allow bobcat hunting on Friday but now it has to pass the Senate. We haven't lost the battle yet. Keep signing the petition.
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