Nurse Mare Farms - The Equine Industrys "Other" Dirty Little Secret

Much the same as PMU farms where mares are kept pregnant
for the hormone content of their urine during pregnancy for
use in hormore replacement therapy, where the babies thusly
produced are unwanted / disposable by-products (learn more
about the PMU's and sign a petition for them here:

nurse mare farms keep their mares pregant for the colostrum-
rich mothers milk for use on foals other than the mares own.
The unwanted babies are byproducts and are usually immediately killed and discarded, usually by clubbing them in the head
right at the barns before they take their first breath! And their
hides sold to tanneries to be made into designer shoes and bags!

See Video Here

And some more of the lucky ones; 
There are some absolutely gorgeous babies here!!

And here is a link to where you can see some of the
wholesale buyers of their skins;

The colostrum-rich first milk of the mother is reserved for
the "better," more important foals, usually for the racing
industry who deem their "bred for racing" foals  "more
worthy" of life and/or of the colostrum rich milk. Sometimes,
the colostrum is "banked," which is becoming a popular industry
in itself (Colostrum Banks) but usually the mares "in milk" are
used as surrogate mothers for the "privlidged foals"  whos
mothers cant be with them because they are being sent off to
breeding farms to be bred back right away or need to continue
on in her career and not have to be burdned with the raising of
a baby.

Someone astutely observed that the whole nasty business could
be avoided if the Jockey Club would just make a rule that the
baby horses stay with their moms until weaned, as it should be!
Such a rule would help cut down on over-breeding too! So ah,....
we think this is definately a subject that needs more exploration
& exposure, as seems there are some simple solutions.
We are about convincing theThe Jockey Club to bann this
dispicable practice and to meanwhile compel the nurse mare
farmers to work with more rescues on a larger
scale. Who of these Nurse Mare Farm owners  is willing
to work with the rescues,  and who is not,... and if not, why
not? And if so, how far are they willing to go to to help us save
all the babies and/or stop the "necessity" of producing them? 
These things we must know.

Learn More Here Complete with a Listing of the Largest
& Busiest NurseMare Farms in the USA;:

Here are some links to some more "designer" pony-skin item sellers, including 26 items for sale on EBAY! 

26 Pony Skin Items on Ebay!

Here is a link to another petition where you can tell ebay
NOT to allow the sale of any pony-skin products on their site;

And here are some fashion designers that use pony-skin for
some of their products; You should contact them also with your
feelings on this also;

Paul Smith "pony skin" (foal) shoes
, the zebra stripes are printed  on to make them more stylish.

Remarcello "Spot-Print" pony skin slippers

Bionda Castana Pony Skin Spiked Heels

Alexander McQueen PonySkin Trench Coat:

"Berlonzi,"..pony skin item; (3rd item down)

If you would like to continue on with us in the fight to
expose and correct this horrid practice, we would be glad
to have you join in our newly formed -

"StopTheKillingOfNurseMareFoals" Yahoo Group here; (below)

Then please sign the petition and pass it around. Together,
we can do this!


Sign Petition
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