A man got 5 kittens from Marketplace and tortured them to death. Then he wanted new kittens. A woman became suspicious and called the police. They found the tortured death kittens. 1 was still alive but died later. The judge giave him 1 and a half month prison and forbid him to possess animals for 3 years. The punishment was so low because the man is light mentally disabled. He is a free man now !!! Nobody knows how many kittens he tortured before he was caught.
Google; Haagse kittenkiller or Arnold den Heijer
Many , many years , animal lovers , animal advocates , the Party for the Animals and everyone who has a heart for animals , are fighting for a better legislation for animals.
Punishment for animal abuse or killing an animal is low but mostly there is no punishment at all. The punishment of this KITTENKILLER is the limit.
He is a free man now. They maybe take the time to control that he will not have animals the next 3 years , but we all knows that nobody will do that.
Not a priority in a big town as The Hague !! And what after the 3 years ??
The Netherlands is one of the few countries that will not recognize that the most of the heavy criminals started with animal abuse. Thats also the reason that they let him free instead of put him in a treatment center , what should be not so strange because he got the low punishment because he is light mental disordered , they say.
Animal abuse is not a serious issue for the Dutch government nor for the 2nd Room what is the controller and server for new legislation. Only the Party for the Animals cares for this issue , but they are a minority.
Nobody knows how many kittens the man killed before he caught but everybody knows that this kittens will not be the last he killed. He is 41 years old , he has a long live before him to do what he like..
I hope this petition and all the other protests will help to open a little bit the eyes of the Government and that they finally signing the papers for a stronger punishment for animal abuse and a better legislation for animals.
Google; Haagse kittenkiller or Arnold den Heijer
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